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Autumn Drive

By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024


She let the wind push her fingers back as she held her hand outside the window.

All the trees and houses on the country road blurred behind her fingers as he drove.

And he wasn’t even driving all that fast.


They were in no hurry, although they were both anxious to get to their spot out in the sticks.

That quiet secluded spot that no one else knew about.

That particular spot that became a different world for them.

She always said that ‘the gods made it just for them’.


She let her eyes wander from him out to the trees and the farmhouses.

The leaves were changing fast this year and the hillside above the road was set on fire with the brightest of the autumn colors.

Only a couple cloud puffs floated overhead in the clear blue, early October sky.


Such a peaceful ride.

Such a peaceful Saturday afternoon.

She leaned over against him as he drove and laid her head on his shoulder.

Her fingers gently wandered around his hip.


It was getting chilly but everything seemed so right about today.

The dark-roast aroma of their coffees filled the car so they barely noticed the temperature.

It didn’t matter.

Warmth came with every squeeze of his thigh and his knee.

The heat grew with each hardening inch of him massaged in her clutching hand.


He put both hands on the wheel and let his head fall back against the headrest as he drove.

She slid in closer and down more into the seat and she grabbed his t-shirt in her teeth as she moved on him.


Her fingers traced upward on the zipper of his jeans until they found his belt buckle.

Her face was laid against his belly and he could feel her breath on his skin.

She unbuckled him and snapped open his jeans.


She pulled the side of his jeans back with her teeth letting her fingers push inside them.

He let out a sigh of pleasure relief that startled them both.

His cock was now fully in her grasp and she held him tightly, stroking him harder.


He reached down and started pushing his jeans over his hips as he drove.

She suddenly dropped her head down and gripped the head of his cock in her lips.

He swerved and hit the berm of the road, just missing the drainage ditches.


She giggled and waited for a second for him to relax again, and as soon as she felt his body unclench, she took him fully in her mouth.

This time, she moved slowly, gently sucking and stroking.

He watched the ditch weeds and creek onions pass by as he drove, her bobbing head in rhythm with the reflecting road markers…a slow and steady pulse.


Every so often, she tightened her lips as she sucked him in over the velvet cushion of her tongue.

In between her plump lips, enveloped inside her mouth and wrapped in her tongue, he was throbbing.


His moans grew louder and they brought contented sighs from her, and she sucked him a little harder with every sound he made.

She could taste he was close and her excitement grew.

She could feel the heat and wet growing between her own legs.

Her rhythm grew faster with each throbbing pulse.

Her suck grew harder and her fingers tightened around his cock as she buried him in her mouth, forcing his cock into her throat.


His hands were white-knuckled and he held onto the wheel as though it might jump out of his hands. His foot pushed down on the gas and they were moving faster.

He had to force his eyes open from the ecstasy and the dust kicking up from the old country road.


He couldn’t hold himself any longer, so he slammed on the brakes and felt his truck slide across the gravel and dirt of the road.

And he came hard.

And she kept sucking his cock as deep and firm as she could, licking and sucking and squeezing and she swallowed him down.

She licked the length of his shaft and savored every last drop she could take.


She laid her head on his bare thigh and he relaxed his body against the truck seat, still unable to move, his body still quivering from the orgasmic overload she gave him.


She licked her lips and lifted her head just enough to see over the dash.

“Maybe you should pull over to the side of the road. Some farmer might come around.”

He was finally able to open his eyes and when he looked around, he saw that they were stopped across the middle of the road.

She turned over and laid her head in his lap and she smiled up at him.

He slowly pulled to the side of the road and dropped the truck into park.

They sat in the truck together now listening only to the breeze rattling the leaves still left hanging on the trees. Neither of them said a word for what seemed like hours.


And then, just like that, she popped up and said, “Let’s go. I wanna get to the bar and have some fun!”


He buckled up while she drank down almost an entire beer, and they were back on the road.

The gravel spit out and the dust curled around the back of the truck and they were gone down the road.


The radio played as they drove.

She watched the yellow road signs zip by in a blur and her mind wandered until she saw a field peppered with tied, rolls of hay and scattered bales.


“Hey! Go up that road…let’s go check out those piles of hay.”

He turned off but it was more of a dirt path than it was a road.

He pulled over and parked.

“What do you want to see?”


She giggled. “I want to see what the field looks like when you bend me over that hay bale!”


She jumped out of the truck and ran over to a stack of hay bales.

She shook her ass at him, turned around and unbuttoned her cut-off shorts.

She slowly bent over on the bale and looked back over her shoulder at him.

“Well? C’mon!”


He tried to act nonchalant but that didn’t last too long and he broke into a run to catch up with her.


He pressed up against her ass and he laid his hands on her back, slowly dragging them down to her waist.

Her cut-off’s slid easily down and dropped to the ground around her ankles.

He unbuckled his jeans and let them drop to the ground, too.

All the time, rocking forward and back in a slow rhythm together, every motion a little more forceful. She peeled off her t-shirt and kicked her shorts away.

She was completely naked and exposed and she stretched her arms out in front of her.

She clawed her fingers into the hay and laid her body across the top of the bale.


And in one powerful motion, he pushed down on her hips and slid inside her.


They rocked together against the hay and each thrust inside pushed her farther up on the bale until she was laying on top of it, his cock still buried deep inside her.

He climbed up with her, laying on top of her and their rocking rhythm kept pulling and squeezing between them, binding them together.

He held her hands down under his and buried his face in her hair and she could feel the heat of his breath in her ear. He licked at her ear and he nibbled on her neck and her moaning got louder, exciting him even more. Their connected bodies firing with even stronger blasts.


She could feel him swelling inside her and he could feel her tightening around him and all of the world around them disappeared. It was only the two of them there now. No fields. No roads. Nothing else in the world. No one else in the world. Just them.


He began to shudder and he squeezed her hands and let his body drop onto her back.

He cried out and he began to cum deep inside her.

His cries made her cry out and her body took all of him in and it made her cum just as hard with him.

He laid there…still inside of her, still on top of her and both of them collapsed on the hay.

Gradually, they could hear the birds chirping again.

They could once again hear the leaves rustling and the weeds of the field whistling in the wind.

They began to feel the prickles of the sharp-cut hay poking into their bare flesh.


He kissed her cheek and pulled out and stood up.

He picked up her clothes and laid them next to her and got himself dressed.

She slowly got up and turned to sit in front of him as she got herself dressed.


Neither of them wanted to move.

They both sat on the edge of the bale and then laid back on it, watching the little white puffs of clouds float by in the October breeze.

It was one of the last good days of fall, and there they were in the middle of it.


He got up and reached out for her hand, and she took his.


Silently, they walked through all the weeds and the ruts back to his truck.


“Like I said…I wanna get to the bar and have some fun!”


“What about the creek in the woods?”


She giggled and said, “I got too much fresh air already…let’s have a couple beers and see what kind of trouble we can get into after that.”


He smiled at her and nodded and they drove off in a cloud of dry dirt and loose dust and spitting gravel.


What did they do after a couple beers in that small, smoky country tavern?


Well, hell…that’s a story for another day.

About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts

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