By Frank Weber
Not everybody is a writer.
But there’s something most peculiar about writing erotica…you don’t have to be a ‘degreed and educated’ writer or an ‘established and published’ author to do it.
If you let it, writing erotica can be just like sex – you don’t have to be good at it to have a good time doing it.
Something happens in the wiring of a person’s brain when they begin to tell an erotic story. Sparks begin to sizzle and their eyes fill with neon flashes.
Sometimes you get goosebumps and sometimes your whole face gets flushed and your temperature rises.
No matter what happens, just the simple act of telling the story – and even more so writing it down – creates a definite chemical reaction.
And it feels pretty damn good.
I don’t mean just talking about two people having sex like you’re explaining how to cut an onion.
I mean really getting into the story you’re telling.
Getting so deeply entrenched in your own words that you can feel the vibrations of the headboard as it slams against the wall.
So in tune with the spirit of your story that you can smell the ‘sex’ in the air from the wild, animal lust spiraling and zigzagging inside your head.
That simple chemical reaction gets your blood coursing in a furious way and the words fall out faster than your fingers can type them into the story.
How can something so simple and so powerful not improve your sex life?
Think about it…
You just wrote a story that jacked you so hard that you saw yourself in it and acting it out.
No one else read it and no one else knows about it until you tell them – it’s all your dirty, little secret to play with.
And with a partner or partners – goddamn! – you can actually become the character you wrote about without anyone even having a clue. If you let the chemical reaction work its magic on you, before you know it, your bedroom smells like ‘animal sex and lust’ from your own wild, hedonistic binges.
And…it might even give you an idea or two for the next erotic story you write.
Then the whole thing comes around full-circle and starts all over again.
There are other ways that writing erotica can improve your sex life, but this is the one that matters most, I think. It gives you more ‘bang for your buck’, and all the others fall in line and build up the tension behind it.
It pulls you into your own life faster and harder than you would normally go.
It makes you run for it.
That kind of fire needs to break loose!
That kind of fire needs to rage unchecked!
Let it loose on the world!
There is another exhilarating side effect wound deep within the erotic writing process, though…Voyeurism.
You can watch sex happening right in front of you and never leave your mind to do it.
It’s nothing immoral and it’s nothing illegal, and it’s all kept tied up and embedded deep inside your own fantasy world.
The best part is, it’s a fantasy world you can share with anyone that wants to read it.
If they want to ‘live it’ for themselves, they can.
It’s good how that works.
Any other kind of story would be fine to tell off-the-cuff, no matter how you told it, but with erotica, there’s always someone waiting to throw a flag and cry ‘OBSCENITY!’
Mainly because it’s out under the lights for everyone to see.
But when you write your story so that everyone reading it can climb inside and taste the erotic lust dripping from every word, then no one seems to mind. It’s good to keep in mind that no matter how tight the prude may seem, they’re just as human as you are. They may try to keep it buried and hidden inside themselves, but they still hold all of the same human-animal urges, desires, wants and lusts that we do.
Writing – and most certainly reading – erotica is the purest, safest form of voyeurism you can kink on. More people are voyeurs at heart than you think…and they want that licentious release.
Write it for them.
I’ve heard women say that the sexiest part of a man is his mind.
That idea fits perfectly into what I’ve been talking about.
I get that idea, too. It makes perfect sense.
Anyone can get laid – women seem to be able to do it at will – but it can be a hollow experience if it’s nothing more than a fifteen-minute ‘bop-and-gone’.
And don’t let the guys fool you, Ladies…it can feel hollow for them, too, it’s just a rarity to hear them say it. A woman with a mind brews an unimaginable aphrodisiac!
The written word will affect each of us in a different way, but if the words you weave instill smoldering pangs of want in your partner – long before you hit the sheets – the sex will be more intense, animalistic and mind-bending, not to mention more satisfying – and exhausting – for both of you.
The voyeurism inherent in erotic writing will do nothing but help to improve your sex life.
Writing also builds a stronger, more confident mind – for both men and women.
A lot of men actually are attracted to a strong and intelligent woman.
It’s a sexy-sultry feeling to know that a woman is not a mindless, hollow toy…and she can give it right back to you. Sex then becomes an uninhibited two-way street.
A weaker, insecure man can be intimidated by an intelligent woman and might even avoid her out of fear of seeming inferior. He might be afraid that she won’t look at him as a man if he’s not in total control – if he’s not the stereotypical, barbaric ‘man’.
A stronger, secure man gets hard at just the thought of that brand of woman.
At just the thought of the arcing electricity and smoldering heat inside of her wanting to be let loose. The thought of her is intoxicating.
Her mind can be just as enticing and arousing to him as his is to her.
Don’t get me wrong – the thought of barbaric, borderline-dangerous, full-on animal sex is just as provocative, but it’s racing in a different lane than the mind is.
And that brings up another benefit of writing erotica – the creation of variety.
Variety isn’t just the ‘spice of life’, it’s the ‘spice of sex’ in particular.
Everyone loves and wants – and lusts for variety.
It keeps things moving and interesting and doesn’t leave any room for boredom.
All these benefits piece themselves together just like a big ol’ puzzle.
As you write, your mind becomes freer inside itself.
As your mind becomes freer, it grows stronger and you exude confidence.
With that confidence, you’re able to excite yourself – and others – with your simplest words.
Your intellect then projects itself without any effort – you don’t even know it’s happening.
The arousing heat of your intellect creates variety in your thinking, in particular with regards to sex. That leads to variety in your life, too.
Every related crumb that falls from your keyboard builds on the next mouthful you type, all of it growing into the most intense, mind-boggling, high-voltage orgasms you will ever feel.
Erotic writing is a damn good thing, no matter how you slice and dice it.
And you don’t even have to be good at it to have a good time!
About The Author:
Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website: www.frankietatts.com
Twitter: @frankietatts_
Instagram: @frankietatts