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Everybody F****’s


By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024

When my daughters were little, I remember always seeing the book, “Everybody Poops”.

The thing seemed to be everywhere, and for good reason.

Kids should learn from a very early age that there is nothing wrong with their bodies.

Kids should learn from a very early age that there is no reason to be ashamed of their bodies.

Sound, good and more-than-necessary sentiments.


Why then under that same premise, are so many adults SO embarrassed and ashamed of their own sexuality?

Why are so many adults SO reluctant to admit that they even have sex?

Let alone sex with a kink? Or four or five kinks?


It’s very odd to me for one simple reason…




There would have been no human race for the past several thousand years if they didn’t do it.

There would be no human race for the next several thousand years if we didn’t do it.

It’s not a matter of understanding some smelly, repulsive thing you leave behind – well, sometimes it can be – but on the whole, it’s nothing like that.

It’s the one and only reason human beings exist and continue to survive and propagate.

It’s the one and only reason life on Earth exists and continues to survive and propagate.


Shouldn’t something of such a great importance be openly, easily and readily discussed and acknowledged?


Maybe I should write a picture-pop-up book for adults that teaches this simple lesson.


If we learn as toddlers that there’s nothing wrong with taking a dump, why are we taught that sex is such a devilish and sinister function? It makes no sense at all to me.


Sex is supposed to feel good. That’s what keeps us coming back for more.

Sex is something we are supposed to want and crave and search out.

How else would any animal ever reproduce if sex was none of those things?

There would be no life.

EVERYTHING reproduces in one way, shape or form.

I can’t speak to microscopic organisms, but every living animal gets pleasure out of it, but sometimes I wonder if an amoeba splitting itself is somehow a pay-off like a blow job in a movie theater.

Who knows?


The point is, sex is the absolute, utmost, critically important and necessary physical function in the life cycles of all animate, carbon-based life forms. Yes, that means us humans, too.

Why then do the powers-that-be insist on vilifying sex?

Why then do the powers-that-be insist on demonizing anyone that openly admits that they not only have sex but enjoy it, too?


We all know how good sex feels, so what’s so wrong with enhancing it?

Whips or chains or whipped cream and chocolate sauce…what’s the difference?


We should view sex as more of the ironic gift that it is and embrace it.

Ironic for a couple reasons.


Yes, we know pregnancies can occur from sex.

Well, of course they can…THAT is the whole point of sex!

Why then is any talk of sex expected to be cloistered in a locked-up bedroom and never spoken about or admitted?


And as far as disease goes, every rose has its thorns and sex is no different.

Everything good in life has a price tag attached to it.

That price should be caution and protection, but never a total refusal to acknowledge sex as good and vital.


I’m not about to enter into any kind of debate over “pro-creationism”.

But I have to wonder, if procreation is supposedly the one-and-only purpose for sexual contact of any kind, then why is any talk of it and any open appreciation of it shunned in those groups?

If I believe in something, I openly support it. I want to talk about it just as much as do it.

Well…maybe not as much as doing it, but it’s still up there.

But that’s just me, I suppose.


Sex is a primal urge and a primal function of life.

It should be taught that way.

Sex should NEVER be taught as a “worldly evil” to be avoided at all costs.

Sex should NEVER be taught as something ONLY to be kept safely hidden and chained and out of sight and sound.


Sex is natural.

Every living thing does it in one way, shape or form.




I get a good chuckle from some people – especially women – that read my erotic stories.

They get downright embarrassed about having read the story and even more embarrassed when I ask them what they thought about it!

And these are folks that read…and re-read…and re-read…and re-read the story.

There must be some reason why they keep going back for another round.


Even the thought of imaginary sex from a book can be just as enthralling and just as rapturous.

Just the thought of imaginary sex gets the blood pumping and makes men hard and gets women wet.

Deny it all you want, but it’s there, and IT IS NOT THE WORK OF THE DEVIL.

It has a loftier design, I think.


It is the most necessary work of Mother Nature herself to make sure that the world is perpetually propagated and full. So…


Have sex!

Embrace it.

Live it.

Enjoy it.

Even read about it…and get off on what you read.


Have sex!

Don’t fear it.

Don’t shun it.

Do it.


BUT…don’t ever think you have the right to alienate folks that have sex if you choose to abstain from it, fear it or shun it.


I can only hope that one of the reasons for such a fear and disdain for sexual contact is actually Nature’s way of cleaning its garden of so many control-minded weeds.


It may take centuries more, but sooner or later, the worm will turn and the folks that openly love, practice and relish sex will become the majority. One day, people will look around in shock at anyone that even tries to vilify sex and wonder ‘why’.


Sex is THAT important!


Sex is supposed to feel good.

Sex is something we are supposed to want and crave and search out.


And I have to say it one more time…


Sex is a primal urge and a primal function of life.

It should be taught that way.

Sex should NEVER be taught as a “worldly evil” to be avoided at all costs.

Sex should NEVER be taught as something ONLY to be kept safely hidden and chained and out of sight and sound.


Sex is natural.

Every living thing does it in one way, shape or form.


About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts

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