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Exciting Sex in Later Life

By: Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024


People change, so do their tastes, and they change right in step with their age.

It seems that each day you grow older, the little things change right along with you.


I remember so many TV shows that had kids asking older folks if they were really attracted to other people their own age. I can say, ‘yes’, it’s true.


Oh, I don’t think any one of us ever loses the eye for a beautiful man or woman, but attractions do change over time.

Maybe it’s because as we get older we relate more to people our own age and can see more of what we want in them.


When you’re 20 years old, you rarely give a 50-year-old a second thought, but once you cross the line into your late 30’s and early 40’s, they start to grow on you.


Of course, we all have an eye on the young and beautiful people – and how can we not?

Beauty and appeal at any age is there to be enjoyed.

So enjoy the view!


But somewhere along the line, our eyes tend to shift to the beauty we can relate to on a more personal level. All of a sudden, that 50yr old woman catches the eye…and she’s looking pretty good.


A thought here for MEN AND WOMEN both…If you’re able to land the ‘trophy fuck’ – at any age – then more power to you! But don’t waste your latter years holding out for it…you won’t find it that way…you’ll miss out on WAY too much!


Look around and think about it…you’ll begin to see and feel just how much your age is changing what you see and how you feel about it – on the inside.It’s NOT settling…it’s feeling and knowing what you really want and need and keeping those coals stoked and burning.That’s the real trick to it…Never give up and think that if you can’t have the young and beautiful you can’t have anything! It’s NOT true! Go get some!


Older does NOT mean ‘no more sex’, it just means you’re on a different playground.

And you don’t have to do much beyond just ACCEPTING your age to feel some REAL animal hunger…and get yourself some insatiable primal sex to feed it.


Spice takes different forms so always keep your eyes open.

Yes, it could be about money, but that’s not usually it. Money can only take you so far, and it almost always turns out to be settling – taking on bad sex for the benefits…the ‘sugar daddy/sugar momma’ syndrome. Not fun.

Spice can be silver streaks in the hair….or splashes or bright purple in the silver.

Spice can be faded tattoos in a torn shirt…and the muscles underneath them.

Spice can be a person’s successes – earned over many years.

Spice can be a person’s colorful history and even a difficult background – a ‘bad boy’.

It’s all about the little things that you never seem to notice until you reach a certain age and your own priorities start to change.

THAT is when tastes begin to change along with them.THAT is when attractions begin to change.


Spice can also be the human form. Let’s never lose sight of the basic human form.

There isn’t one of us that will ever say, “I don’t think that 22-year-old is hot now that I’m in my 50’s.”


The young and beautiful are pretty and they are desirable and there’s no reason to keep from admiring them. Give them their due because it won’t be too long before they’re sitting right where you are.


BUT…there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to keep from admiring – and wanting – the older folks around you at the same time. Everything gets better with age…especially folks your own age.


I remember being asked if I was a breast man or a leg man or an ass man.

I never could give a good answer because I’ve always just plain loved the ‘human form’ more than any one part of it. It’s hard to say that I like one over the other.


A beautifully rounded ass will always make the heart pound.

Breasts – of any size and shape – have always caught the eye.

And I love the even just the look of legs – especially when they’re wrapped up in tight jeans.

Put some ink in that skin and it takes on a whole new dimension!


I just love the human form. It’s like all points come together in that one form so I don’t have to pick any one thing. It’s all there.


It’s easy to feel beaten down and rejected and even obsolete if your focus never leaves what you saw in your 20’s, so don’t look at it that way. Don’t look back ‘cause you can’t ever go back.


Great sex really knows NO age limits or barriers.

Just keep an eye on your own physical health as you get older.

So many people (men and women) say if you’re going to go out, it’s better to ‘go out in the saddle’. That’s a noteworthy ambition to be sure.

It makes sense to me, too. If I had the chance to feel heated, lustful, animalistic orgasmic sex in my final seconds, I think that would be a good way to go out.But then again, none of us wants to check out before our number is called.

So, if you wanna keep on rockin’ the ‘horizontal bop’, make sure you keep an eye on your own physical health.


Great sex really knows NO age limits or barriers.

It’s ALWAYS there if you know where to look.

So look for it!

So go get it!


Never give up and think that if you can’t have the young and beautiful you can’t have anything! It’s NOT true!


Go out and get you some!

About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts

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