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Melting Jeans


By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024


Long silky hair down

to long slender legs

wrapped in tight melting jeans

stitched over every curve

meant to pull and plump and make

that cheeky form sway just so

as she walks through the place

every eye sees her

still most look away

hoping they don’t get caught

but when an eye catches hers

and her eye catches back

they bring the start of

a smile to her lips and

a warmth to her eyes

and her sway goes just a bit wider and

the jeans melt just a bit tighter

drawing those eyes over the

exposed ink that saturates the

flowing bronze skin of her body

needled in deep enough to

speak more of the words

her melting jeans have already spoken

phrases and wishes

half-promises and fantasies

none of it real

all of it just

tantalizing hallucinations

brought on by

the hypnotic narcotic haze

of those

melting jeans.

About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts


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