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🌺Orchid Boats🌺


By LindaAnn LoSchiavo

Copyright ©2024

Chinese call the vagina “orchid boat,”

The blotchy darkness universal man

First changes places through on win-lose seas

Of birth, still wearing this name on his tongue,

Air-tight, invading dreams’ closed crescent eyes.

Urge-surfing leads adults to orchid boats.

So fragrant, orchids flaunt their pouty lips,

All speckled, veined, and sloping — — mossy knolls

That hide a clitoris, magenta depths.

Closed circuit guardians — — mind, shame — — cannot

Prevent concupiscent fixation.  Lust

Arrives and alters all priorities.

Fickle as foam, when wet an orchid boat

Propels time towards its splashier affairs.

About LindaAnn LoSchiavo:

A native New Yorker, Elgin Award winner LindaAnn LoSchiavo is a member of British Fantasy Society, HWA, SFPA, and The Dramatists Guild. Current books: "Messengers of the Macabre," "Apprenticed to the Night," "Vampire Ventures."

Forthcoming: "Cancer Courts My Mother" (Penumbra, March 2024).

Seeking a home for an oven-ready erotic poetry chapbook "Eros and His Entourage."


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