By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2023
Such a delicious
voluptuous form
so perfectly rounded
so firm and
still so lonely and
the perfect bend over
bent only at the waist
pops out round and firm
bound only by lycra
and her own control
still she shows
all she has –
so much appreciated –
the perfect rounding
of all the in-between, too,
so perfectly rounded but
she still seems so lonely
she wants to talk but
she holds it back
so many guys pretend to talk
talk only to pretend
but they don’t care if she
makes a sound
that’s not what they want
and sadly
she knows it but
it doesn’t take away
that want in her eyes
she seems so lonely
and so sad inside
that perfectly rounded body
sprinkled with specs of sweat
she wants the attention and
she wants so much more but
who’s to give it?
none of the young turks
have a clue what to say but
the old men do and
they fumble and bungle
and make fools of us all
some of us only admire and
it’s all that we should do
she can feel my eyes and
I can feel hers too but
we both know the rub
I can only admire and
nothing more and
she knows it and
her smile says, “thank you”
but there’s never been a word
between us
but she vibes so delicious
swimming inside that voluptuous form
so perfectly rounded and
so wonderfully firm but
such a promising young girl
is still so lonely and
all she really wants is a word.
About Frank Weber:
Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website: www.frankietatts.com
Twitter: @frankietatts_
Instagram: @frankietatts