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Swinging from the Nest

By Jenny Swift

Copyright ©2024

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting warm, golden hues over the tranquil beach. The gentle sound of waves caressing the shore filled the air, a soothing backdrop to the lively chatter that permeated the resort.

Karen and David sat at the edge of the beach, their fingers intertwined as they watched the sunset. It was their first real vacation as empty nesters, a new chapter in their lives, and they were determined to make the most of it. Just a few weeks earlier, Karen had been sitting in the quiet of their living room, flipping through an old photo album, reminiscing about the days when the house was filled with the noise and chaos of raising their child.

The silence felt deafening now, with their only child recently off to college, leaving them with an emptiness they hadn’t anticipated. The phone rang, breaking the silence. It was Julie, one of their closest friends. She knew exactly what Karen and David were going through—she and her husband had been there just a few years before.

“Hey, Karen,” Julie began, her voice warm and friendly. “How are you holding up? It must feel strange with the house so quiet now.”

Karen sighed, forcing a smile that Julie couldn’t see. “Yeah, it’s definitely different. We’re trying to adjust, but it’s harder than we thought.”

There was a brief pause before Julie spoke again, her tone slightly more conspiratorial. “You know, Steve and I found a way to make the transition a little easier.

There’s this resort we went to… It’s a bit unconventional, but it was exactly what we needed to reconnect and have some fun after the kids left.” Karen’s curiosity was piqued. “A resort? What kind of resort?” Julie chuckled softly. “It’s a place for couples—where you can let loose, explore, and rediscover each other. It’s a swingers resort.” Karen’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Julie! You and Steve went to a place like that?” Julie laughed, the sound light and carefree. “I know, it sounds crazy, right? But it was honestly one of the best experiences we’ve had together. It brought us closer in ways I can’t even explain. I think you and David might really enjoy it, especially now that you’ve got some time to yourselves.”

Karen was quiet for a moment, processing the idea. It was definitely unexpected, but as she thought about it, a sense of excitement began to build. After all these years, maybe this was exactly what they needed.

“I’ll talk to David about it,” Karen finally said, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and nervous anticipation. “It might be just what we need.” And that’s how they found themselves here, on this beautiful beach, ready to embark on a new adventure together.

Karen leaned her head on David’s shoulder, the warmth of the sun and the promise of the evening ahead making her heart race with anticipation.

“I still can’t believe we’re here,” Karen murmured, her auburn hair catching the sunlight, shimmering like a crown.

She was in her late forties, but her natural beauty and the spark in her eyes made her appear younger.

David smiled, brushing his lips against her forehead. “I can’t either. But we deserve this, don’t you think? After all the years of raising the kids, it’s our time now.” Karen lifted her head, gazing into his eyes.

There was a mixture of excitement and nervousness in her expression. “You’re right. It’s just… I never imagined we’d be at a place like this.” David chuckled, the sound deep and reassuring. “Neither did I. But when Mike and Julie told us about it, I figured, why not? We’ve always been a little adventurous, haven’t we?”

Karen nodded, a slow smile spreading across her face. Their friends, Mike and Julie, had shared stories of their visits to the resort—a place where couples could explore their desires in a safe, consensual environment. At first, the idea had seemed outlandish, but the more they discussed it, the more it intrigued them.

Now, here they were, surrounded by like-minded couples, each seeking to reignite the flames of passion in their relationships. As the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, the resort began to come alive with energy.

The evening air was warm, filled with laughter and music. Karen and David returned to their room, a spacious suite with a private balcony overlooking the ocean. They dressed for the night, Karen slipping into a flowing red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, while David chose a crisp white shirt and tailored pants.

When they arrived at the main lounge, the atmosphere was electric. Couples mingled, their conversations laced with flirtation and anticipation. Karen spotted Mike and Julie across the room, engaged in lively conversation with another couple. Julie caught Karen’s  eye and waved them over.

Before long, a couple approached them—a man and woman in their early fifties, exuding confidence and warmth. They introduced themselves as Lisa and Greg, regulars at the resort who were eager to welcome Karen and David to the experience.

“Hi there,” Lisa greeted, her voice soft and inviting. She had dark hair and an alluring smile, her eyes shimmering with mischief. “We couldn’t help but notice you two. Is this your first time here?” Karen exchanged a glance with David, her heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement. “Yes, it is,” she admitted, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach. Lisa smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, you’re going to love it here.

The most important thing is to relax and let things happen naturally.” As Lisa spoke, other couples nearby began to take notice, their curiosity piqued. One by one, they drifted over, forming a small circle around Karen and David. The energy in the room shifted, a palpable sense of anticipation filling the air. “First-timers, huh?” a man with sandy blonde hair and a charming grin said, stepping forward. He was with a striking brunette who was still lost in a deep, passionate kiss with another man, their bodies pressed close together.

The couple broke apart just as the man spoke, the brunette smiling seductively at David. “Welcome,” she purred, her voice a low, sultry whisper. “It’s always exciting to meet new people.” The man, who had introduced himself as Jack, gave David a knowing look. “Would you like to join us? My wife, Melissa, seems to have taken a liking to you,” he said, his tone light but laden with suggestion.

David looked at Karen, searching her eyes for any sign of hesitation. Instead, he found a spark of excitement, a silent approval that sent a thrill through him. Karen gave a subtle nod, her lips curving into a small, encouraging smile. “Go ahead,” she whispered, her voice thick with desire. “I want you to.” With Karen’s blessing, David turned back to Melissa, who was already moving closer to him, her fingers lightly trailing up his arm.

She leaned in, capturing his lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The taste of her was intoxicating, and David found himself responding with an intensity he hadn’t felt in years. Karen watched as David and Melissa kissed, a wave of arousal washing over her.

She wasn’t left alone for long, though. Jack, seeing her interest, stepped closer, his hand gently cupping her chin to turn her gaze toward him. “You’re stunning,” Jack murmured, his voice filled with admiration. “May I?” 4 Karen’s breath caught in her throat, her pulse quickening. She nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yes, please.”

Jack leaned in, capturing Karen’s lips with his own, the kiss tender and exploratory at first, then deepening as they both gave in to the moment. Karen’s hands found their way to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin through his shirt. The sensation of his firm muscles beneath her fingers sent a thrill through her, and she pressed closer, her body molding against his as their kiss grew more passionate.

David, meanwhile, continued to kiss Melissa, his hands roaming over her curves with increasing urgency. He couldn’t help but glance over at Karen, catching sight of her lost in passion with Jack. Her body was pressed tightly against Jack’s, her hands wandering across his chest as their lips moved together in a sensual dance.

The sight of his wife in the throes of desire only fueled David’s own arousal, heightening the excitement of this new experience. Melissa broke the kiss, her breath coming in soft pants as she looked into David’s eyes. “Do you want to go further?” she asked, her voice husky with need. David’s eyes flicked back to Karen. She was now fully engaged with Jack, their bodies moving together in a slow, sensual rhythm as they stood entwined. Karen’s head tilted back slightly as Jack’s lips trailed down her neck, leaving a line of soft kisses that made her shiver with 


anticipation. He knew the answer without even asking. “Yes,” David replied, his voice thick with desire. Melissa smiled, her hand slipping into David’s as she led him to a nearby lounge chair.

They both watched as Jack guided Karen toward a plush chaise lounge across the room, his hands caressing her waist as they moved. Karen’s heart raced with anticipation, her body already aching for more as Jack eased her onto the soft surface. Jack knelt beside her, his hands gently parting her legs as he leaned in, his breath warm against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Karen’s breath hitched, her eyes half-lidded as she watched him, her body tingling with anticipation.

Jack took his time, his lips brushing against her skin in soft, teasing kisses that left her squirming beneath him. “Relax,” Jack murmured, his voice low and soothing as he continued his slow descent. He pressed his lips to the crease of her thigh, his tongue flicking out to taste her, and Karen gasped, her fingers clutching the fabric of the chaise. Jack’s mouth moved with deliberate slowness, his tongue tracing lazy patterns across her skin, each touch sending shivers of pleasure through her body. He could feel her growing wetter with every passing moment, her body responding to his expert touch as he drew closer to her core.

Finally, he reached her center, his mouth hovering just above her slick folds as he paused, letting the anticipation build. Karen’s hips lifted slightly, her body silently begging for more, and Jack obliged, his tongue darting out to taste her.

Karen’s moan was soft at first, a breathless sound that escaped her lips as Jack began to lick and tease her, his tongue moving in slow, deliberate strokes. He explored her with the same care and attention he had shown in their kiss, his mouth working in tandem with his hands as he gently spread her lips, exposing her to his eager tongue.

David, watching from across the room as Melissa undressed him, couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of Karen lost in pleasure. Her body writhed beneath Jack’s touch, her fingers tangling in his hair as he brought her closer and closer to the edge. The sight of her, so open and vulnerable, filled him with a heady mix of arousal and pride. Jack’s movements grew more intense, his tongue flicking and swirling around her clit with increasing urgency.

Karen’s breath came in ragged gasps, her hips lifting off the chaise as she chased the pleasure building inside her. The sensation was overwhelming, a tight coil of desire that threatened to snap at any moment.

Just when Karen thought she couldn’t take any more, Jack slipped a finger inside her, curling it to hit the perfect spot. Her entire body tensed, a cry of ecstasy escaping her lips as the orgasm crashed over her, her vision blurring as wave after wave of pleasure consumed her. Jack didn’t stop, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony to prolong her climax, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until she was left trembling and breathless, her body limp with satisfaction.

Slowly, he eased off, pressing one last kiss to her swollen lips before pulling back to look at her, his eyes dark with desire. “You’re incredible,” he whispered, his voice filled with admiration as he gently stroked her thigh. Karen managed a weak smile, her chest rising and falling with each labored breath. “That was… amazing,” she murmured, her voice shaky from the intensity of her orgasm. Jack grinned, his hands sliding up her thighs as he positioned himself between her legs. “I’m not done with you yet,” he said, his tone teasing as he leaned in for another kiss.

This time, there was no hesitation. Jack’s hands guided her legs around his waist as he aligned himself with her entrance, his cock throbbing with need as he slowly pushed inside her. Karen gasped at the sensation, her body arching to meet his as he filled her completely. Jack set a slow, steady rhythm, his thrusts deep and measured as he moved inside her.

Karen’s nails dug into his back, her breath coming in short, desperate pants as the pleasure began to build once more. Each thrust sent a new wave of sensation through her, her body responding to him in a way she hadn’t experienced in years. 6 David, still watching from across the room, felt his own arousal heighten as he saw the pleasure on Karen’s face.

Melissa, sensing his distraction, leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, “You’re a lucky man, David.” David tore his eyes away from Karen just long enough to look at Melissa, who was now fully naked and straddling him, her body pressed close to his as she moved her hips in a slow, grinding rhythm. “I am,” he replied, his voice thick with emotion as he leaned in to kiss her, his hands finding their way to her hips. Melissa moaned into the kiss, her body moving in sync with his as they began to explore each other with renewed passion.

But even as he lost himself in the pleasure of the moment, David’s eyes kept drifting back to Karen, who was now fully immersed in her own world of ecstasy with Jack. Jack’s pace quickened, his thrust growing more urgent as he felt Karen tighten around him, her body trembling with the approach of another orgasm.

He reached down between them, his thumb finding her clit as he pressed down, adding just the right amount of pressure to send her over the edge once more. Karen’s orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, her body convulsing with the force of it as she cried out, her voice echoing through the room.

Jack followed her into bliss, his own release spilling into her as he buried himself deep inside her, their bodies locked together in the throes of passion. Jack wasn’t far behind. The sensation of Karen’s orgasm gripping his cock, combined with the sight and sound of her pleasure, sent him spiraling into his own climax. With a deep groan, he buried himself deep inside her, his release spilling into her as he thrust one last time, their bodies locked together in the throes of passion.

His movements became erratic, his breath hitching as he felt the rush of pleasure overtake him, filling her completely as he gave in to the moment. Across the room, David was fully immersed in his own encounter with Melissa. Her movements had grown more frantic, her hips grinding down on him with increasing urgency.

She shifted her position, reaching back to guide him inside her, their bodies finally joining in a deep, satisfying connection. David groaned as he entered her, the tight heat of her drawing him deeper with each thrust.

Melissa’s head fell back, her long hair cascading over her shoulders as she rode him with a desperate need. Her hands gripped his shoulders for balance as she moved faster, her breasts bouncing with each movement. David’s hands found her hips once more, guiding her as he thrust up to meet her, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.

The intensity of their movements grew, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge. Melissa’s moans filled the room, mingling with the sounds of their bodies coming together, the wet slap of skin on skin driving them both to the brink of madness.

David’s eyes locked onto hers, the connection between them deepening as they chased the pleasure that seemed just out of reach. Finally, Melissa’s body tensed, her nails digging into David’s shoulders as her orgasm crashed over her. She cried out, her inner walls pulsing around him as she came, her body trembling with the force of her release.

The sensation of her tightening around him was all David needed to push him over the edge. He thrust into her one last time, his release surging through him as he filled her, their bodies locked together in a moment of pure, shared ecstasy.

They clung to each other as the aftershocks of their orgasms rippled through them, their breathing heavy and their bodies slick with sweat. Slowly, Melissa collapsed against David, her head resting on his shoulder as they caught their breath, their bodies still connected in the most intimate way. David looked over at Karen once more, seeing the satisfaction on her face as she lay in Jack’s arms, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her own pleasure.

She met his gaze, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she reached out to him, their hands finding each other across the distance. For a few moments, the four of them remained like that, basking in the afterglow of their shared experiences. But soon, the room around them began to come back into focus, the sounds of laughter and conversation filtering through as the other couples continued to explore their desires.

Melissa shifted in David’s lap, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back with a satisfied sigh. “That was incredible,” she murmured, her voice filled with contentment. “It really was,” David agreed, his fingers gently brushing her hair back from her face. Jack and Karen joined them, their faces glowing with satisfaction.

Jack gave David a nod of appreciation, his arm draped casually around Karen’s shoulders. “You two are something else,” he said with a grin. “I’m glad we got to share that with you.” “So are we,” Karen replied, her hand slipping into David’s as she leaned against him, her heart still racing from the intensity of their encounters. The four of them exchanged a few more words, their conversation light and filled with the camaraderie that only comes from shared intimacy.

But as the night continued, the energy in the room shifted once more, a sense of anticipation building as new possibilities presented themselves. Melissa glanced around, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she caught sight of another couple across the room.

They were watching with interest, their own desire evident in the way they held each other close, their eyes flicking back and forth between the four of them. “Shall we see what else the night has to offer?” Melissa suggested, her voice playful as she nodded toward the new couple. Karen and David exchanged a glance, the thrill of anticipation bubbling up once more. They had come here to explore, to rediscover each other in new and exciting ways, and the night was far from over. “Yes,” Karen replied, her voice steady and sure. “Let’s.” 

David found himself with Jessica, a petite blonde with bright blue eyes and a wicked smile. Her body was lithe and responsive as she moved against him, her hands exploring his body as they kissed with growing intensity. They didn’t waste any time, quickly finding a secluded spot where Jessica guided David inside her, their bodies moving together in a fast, heated rhythm that had them both gasping for breath.

Karen, meanwhile, had found Andy, a tall, muscular man with dark hair and an easy charm. He was attentive and skilled, taking his time to explore every inch of her body with his hands and mouth before finally thrusting into her, their movements perfectly in sync as they lost themselves in the pleasure of the moment. The night continued in a whirlwind of passion and exploration. Karen and David moved from partner to partner, each encounter bringing new sensations, new heights of pleasure.

They both reveled in the freedom to explore their desires, knowing they were supported by each other every step of the way. By the time the night ended, Karen and David had shared experiences they had never imagined, their bodies exhausted but their hearts full. They returned to their suite in the early hours of the morning, collapsing onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, their bodies still tingling from the night’s activities.

A few days later, they arrived back home to their quiet, empty house. The familiar surroundings seemed different now, infused with the memories of their recent adventure. As they unpacked, Karen and David exchanged knowing glances, the bond between them stronger than ever. Later that evening, they sat together on the couch, sipping wine and reminiscing about the trip. The house was peaceful, the only sound the faint ticking of the clock on the wall. David turned to Karen, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. “You know,” he began, “if our kid ever found out what we did…”

Karen laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, God, no. He’d be traumatized for life.” They both burst into laughter, the sound filling the room with warmth and joy. The thought of their child at college, blissfully unaware of their parents’ escapades, only made the moment more amusing.

Karen leaned her head on David’s shoulder, still chuckling. “This is our little secret,” she said softly. David kissed the top of her head, smiling. “Always.” As they sat there, the quiet of their empty nest no longer felt lonely. It was filled with the promise of new adventures, shared together, and the comfort of knowing they had rediscovered a passion that would keep their love alive for years to come.

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