By Taylor Thomas
Copyright ©2024
Let’s have a competition, brother. Let’s see who “out-whores” who. Because based on your definition, I think you might be winning.
To the Michigan Street & Lincoln Way sex workers who’ve endured his fumbled attempts at caresses, I am truly sorry…
I know he does not tip.
Come on now, big man, don’t back down. Hold that head up as proudly as you did when your mouth uttered that word that is not my name.
Does this scare you? I know you hate when women are direct but I am barely a woman to you. I am the brown haze that floods your eyes at night before you fall asleep. I am the calm you can’t ever seem to find. I am bird’s wings and lion manes and siren calls.
My husband and I’s lovemaking could make God’s most puritan soldier come apart in raptures.
And you know why that is right? Why I’m so good at making others come to life and tremble in my embrace?
Years of practice.
Years of seeing sex - not as a conquest - something to own and hoard, but a gift. A lucky fucking gift. That I am gracious enough to share.
Community pussy I guess you could say - and you’d be disgusted - but I can’t imagine anything more free than not forcing myself into constraints that do not serve me.
Tell your wife I’m calling. Tell your wife I’ll take her anytime she’s ready to be shown that those soft oooohs and ahhhhs don’t have to be forced.
That rapid jackhammer fucking isn’t my one and only move.
That eating pussy is a delicacy, a moment of worship, not a chore. That the clit exists, that holy spot, and I can find it again and again and again with no guidance.
Because what I do with each and every person that comes to know me intimately is precious, sacred, hungry.
Whether we learn the curves of each other’s spine for years or quietly disappear in public restrooms and never speak again –
I am not easily forgotten.
About Taylor Thomas:
Taylor Thomas (she/her) is a biracial & bisexual emerging writer from Indiana. Her work has been published in Bayou Magazine, Salt Hill Journal, The Journal, So to Speak Journal, and many more. She was the runner-up for the 2024 Nicholas Sparks Prize Fellowship. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. She lives in South Bend, Indiana with her husband, Herschel, and her dogs, Bella & Buster. Website: taylornoellethomas.com