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Tuesday Afternoon in the Sand

By Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024


He laid there on his crumpled blanket with his heels kicked out over its edge, digging into the silky sand beneath him.

He watched her standing down there in the beach-break, kicking her feet into smaller waves as they broke over her feet. The greenish-blue foam gripping and biting at her ankles with every step.

He watched her as she talked to the couple of girls she just met as they were walking past her on the shoreline. They were perfect strangers until just moments ago, and now they talked and laughed and splashed as though they were old friends from way back in grade school.


He never could understand her way with people, but he marveled at it just the same. She made him happy. She made him smile. She confused the living hell out of him most of the time, but even that made him feel better when she was around.


He looked at her and thought to himself, “Look at that Girl. And she’s here with me, no one else. She’s with me.” He looked up toward the translucent-blue sky above and took a deep breath of satisfaction. The clear blue ceiling was occasionally pocked with tight puffy clouds quickly wisping by in the breeze. The sun hung proudly above, dangling high in the afternoon sky.


Contentedly, he laid his head back on the blanket and closed his eyes. He let his mind soar on the whistling brush of the sea grass in the breeze, accompanied by the soft and subtle beat of the breakers on the shoreline.


He felt a tickle on his leg and looked down to find a jumping sand spider resting on his knee. He propped himself up on his elbows to watch and the spider never flinched. He was instantly fascinated with that spectacle. In a crab-like movement, it turned around towards the edge of the blanket. It looked ready and perched for one big jump off the knee. And there it went and he lost sight of it before it cleared the blanket. Still, he could see other spiders, randomly peppered across the yellow-white sand rises and pockets around him. It looked like some kind of little spider resort. No matter. No bother. He crossed his fingers behind his head and laid back down, eyes closed, enjoying the symphony of the sea. Along with all of her giggles and splashing.

It all made beautiful music in his ears. He was so relaxed, he began to lightly doze wrapped in the warmth of the sun and the lullabies of the waves and drifting air.


The other girls walked on down the shoreline, so she made her way back up to their blanket, kicking scoops of sand as she went, playfully just like a little girl.


She sat on the blanket next to him and propped her elbows up on her knees. It was the scent of suntan lotion that first jarred him. That luscious scent of coconut and summer. She sat there quietly slathering her body with lotion. He turned his head just enough to watch her. She didn’t even see him watching, she was so involved in what she was doing. She didn’t care, anyway.


He watched her wipe away the tiny beads of sweat and replace them with waves of silky lotion and the flicker of a flame began to smolder. His heart began to pump a little harder now.


When she was satisfied she had put on enough lotion, she laid back and crossed her hands behind her head. Her oversized white and gold hi-lited sunglasses completely covered her eyes and she liked it that way. All that anyone could see was the sunshine gleaming across the smoked lenses. No one would ever know what she was really looking at unless she wanted them to know.


But he knew.


He gently rolled onto his side, facing her, but not quite against her – not yet, anyway. But still, he was close enough to touch. His fingertips delicately dragged up her thigh, gliding in the slippery, glistening lotion and sweat. He traced the knots that held her bikini bottom together. The fabric was warmed by the sun and her bikini was still damp from the ocean.


His fingers worked more deliberately and soon he was untying the knots with one hand. She sighed contentedly and shifted her body around a bit to help him. She nestled a little deeper into the blanket, and the pillowy sands sucked them down a little more.


He brushed the loose strings away and the bottom fell apart around her hips, but she didn’t move. She left it there and her body shuddered as his fingertips resumed their upward glide. She lifted and spread her legs and her bottom fell completely off between her legs. He ran his fingers up across her belly and gently circled the damp edges of her top. Her breathing began to grow deeper as his fingers began to press harder and soon the center knot of her bikini top fell apart in two strands.


The fingers gave way to his full, greedy hand and he pushed it up under one side of her top, oh-so gently caressing her skin as he pushed the top aside, first inside one cup, then the other. The bikini fell apart over her sides and now his hands massaged her entire glistening, naked body. He didn’t follow any rhyme or reason. He let his hands roam freely, and his touch grew more forceful. She could feel his touch strengthening and her heart began to race.

She pushed her head back even deeper into the blanket.


He watched her body quiver under the nudging of his hand. He watched the tiny beads of sweat and oil collect and fall off from her sun-goldened breasts. He watched a single bead trail down across her ribs and settle on her belly. His blood was coursing through his heart. His heart was thumping in his chest.


He brought himself up to a sitting position so he could use both hands to massage her sun-warmed, oily body. She gave in to him completely. She lightly shifted to help him reach every inch of her. She let his hands envelop her, and every so often, a sigh escaped her lips.


He bent down and kissed her exposed hip and licked the salt from his lips. He sat upright now and gave a good look-around them. Even though they had separated themselves from the beach crowds, they were still on a public beach and they had to remember that. He got up to his knees and pulled a chilled bottle of wine from the cooler. And again, he scanned the beach and the shoreline. There was no one close to them. The families were far removed and they usually stayed in their own groups, far down the beach by the parking lots. There weren’t any singles or couples meandering through the beach-break in either direction. They were quite alone on their own little blanket island in the sand. They were secluded, still they were always close enough to be seen by wandering eyes.


He sipped from the wine bottle and drizzled a few drops over her lips and breasts. She licked them from her lips and rubbed them into her nipples. She reached out for the bottle, swallowing down a copious gulp of wine. She smiled at him as she handed the bottle back. He drank, too, and pushed the bottle back down into the cooler’s ice water.


She sat up with him and together they silently watched the ocean. The sailboats and barges rippled in the heat waves of the horizon, but they held a fascination and the couple was entranced by the panorama. So peaceful and so tranquil. But no dreamlike vision could cloud or confuse their pounding hearts.


She leaned over toward him and laid half of her naked body on his, sliding and gyrating against his hip and leg, her hands taking their turn at exploration. Her feet slid back and forth over his and she felt every muscle in his chest and shoulders, letting her finger and hands run free. Her hand slid down his belly and her fingers pushed just under the band of his board shorts, just enough to give him a shudder of want. She smiled and kissed his neck and she untied his trunks.

Her fingers slid down his oiled skin and into his board shorts, feeling his hips and thighs. He began to grow harder and she could feel the blood pulsing under those trunks, but she was careful to only brush by the growing strength. It made him harder with every faint hint and hope of a touch.


She reached across him with both hands and pushed his trunks down a few inches so that nothing would get in the way of her pleasures. He let his head fall back into the blanket and his body convulsed in such an exquisite anticipation of her touch. Her fingers clutched her hand closer still and she took him fully in her grasp, licking and biting his nipples as she stroked him. Tasting the salt of his skin as her touch ran deeper between his legs, sliding over every inch of him.


What was moments ago so peaceful and so tranquil fast became a thunderous want and lust between these two lovers. Her lips grazed his mouth and their tongues flicked at each other, each of them tasting the kiss they wanted to devour.


And suddenly the magical trance of the moment was interrupted by the shrill shrieking of a few gulls overhead, circling them, hoping for handouts or scraps. He lowered his glasses just enough to glare at them as though they could feel his stare. “Goddamn flying white rats!” But that was the only mind they gave to the gulls. They were quickly forgotten and their screeching was drowned out by the hot breath the lovers shared between kisses and licks.


Their embrace only deepened further and their bodies burrowed the blanket down into a plush bed of sand and trampled sea grass.


Then he thought he heard something else. Something that sounded like a plastic ‘thwap’. Even after a couple thwaps, he still would not look up. And then the sound stopped and the silence startled them both. And there stood a little boy, standing in awe of the sight he found in the sand.

He seemingly came from nowhere and he just stood there staring at them. He had been kicking a ball down the beach, in and out of the water, playing his own little games with himself, when he came around the dune and saw them laying together. The sight of the girl’s bare, tanned and oiled back and thighs stopped him in his tracks. The little boy didn’t know what to say or do, and he didn’t care. He couldn’t do anything but stare at the vision that stirred such a foreign feeling inside him.


She rolled over, pulling the edge of the blanket up to quickly cover herself. “Hey there, kid. You should go back to your blanket now.” He just stood there frozen and confused.


“Come on now. We want to be alone and have our lunch. Why don’t you go back to your family and play with them?” His trance seemed unbreakable until he heard the muffled yelling of his name – the kind of yell that only a concerned mother can speak and a worried child can hear. His head snapped back in her direction, and without a word or any expression, he started kicking his ball back down the beach and away from their blanket.


She quickly tied her bikini back together. “We better get out in the ocean before that kid comes back with his mother!” He nodded and he pulled up his trunks as he stood up. He held out his hand and helped her to her feet. He pulled her close to him and she nestled her nose up under his chin and she held him tight. Their peace and tranquility slowly returned to them, ankle deep in hot seaside sand.


He could see a few people making their way down the beach toward them now. The little boy was in the lead. The couple casually waded out into the surf and held each other close inside the gently breaking turquoise-blue waves and whitish foam that clung to their bodies.

They let the gentle ocean current bob them from wave to wave.


The boy and his mother and a little girl stopped and now stood there on the beach in front of them. They stood there looking, standing in between the couple in the surf and their blanket bed in the sand. They never said a word but he could feel the mother’s stare on him. She was not happy. He kept quiet. And so did she. He pulled her close and turned her around so they could look out to sea. He then began to talk about ghost ships in the distance along with any other gibberish he could muster up. The couple worked hard to ignore this little, nosy – and now mostly annoying – family that seemed to be so blindly ignorant of their privacy.


The family talked amongst themselves, but they stayed put, right there in the way. It was as if they were standing guard.


The man took a step or two in towards shore, holding the girl’s hand firmly in his own.

The family quietly watched them, and they never moved an inch.

Soon the couple were standing in the beach break, silently feeling the tickle of the seafoam sucking at their toes. He turned to her and said, “What else can we do?” She shrugged her shoulders. The two of them walked out of the ocean and headed straight for their blanket. They took a polite turn so as not to run into this obnoxious little tribe and they plopped down and began to towel themselves off.


The man put on a light, pink linen shirt and the girl wrapped an all but transparent sarong around her waist. Their beach fun was over for the day. They picked up their things, stepped into their sandals and walked on past the obstinate mother and her kids.


Just as the mother was about to speak – most likely to preach to them – the man spoke up.

“What did you think was going to happen?” Their eyes connected for a brief moment and he could feel the ice in her stare. He dropped his chin and shook his head in disbelief.


“Blocking us from having any fun isn’t going to get you anywhere, lady. You should keep your little animals on a tighter leash if you’re so worried about who’s out here.”

And the mother stood there and watched the couple walk away on down the beach, still holding hands.


 And I’ll bet all this time, you thought for sure there was going to be sex, didn’t you?


Not everyone gets laid on a Tuesday afternoon, you know.

About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts

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