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Variations On A Theme


By Katie Green

Copyright ©2024

To my room

the mermaids come

across the sea

and sing to me

across La Mer

of Debussy

in pastel shades of urgency

It is no crime

time after time

their song sublime impresses me

their melody addresses me

their clarity

their flaxen tresses

their shiny eyes

their tiny dresses

What is it then?

What am I now?

a victim of their lullabye

I close my eyes

to what is flesh

and what is thought

what’s in my grasp

and what is not

I ought to stop

this maritime oblivion

a merry time

for someone in

a shuttered room

with shades pulled tight

a stormy evening

a rainy night

About Katie Green:

Katie Green grew up in Chicago. She always wanted to write, especially after reading Catcher In The Rye. She studied Civil Engineering because she feels our Infrastructure could use A Few Good Women!


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