By Frank Weber
Copyright ©2024
Velvet in white shadows
cheeky, silky skin
under the cut-off frays
her tender rounded cheeks
begging for a touch or
at least a stare and
that much she gets.
Delicate enough to touch and
the faint, non-descript scent of
her milky-white skin
feeds imaginations – too many to count
just the thought of
her touch and scent and taste
brings blood to a boil.
She goes about her day
without any a thought to it and
never a care about it but
she knows it all too well and
she’s planned it all her life –
that perfect song and paint and
sculpt, all of it hers, wanting
to make you want it.
She is the perfect tease and
the one you want but
not hurtful or vain or
selfish or scorned – no –
she teases to be wanted and
she teases to be seen and
she teases to feel good for
just a little while.
Velvet in white shadows
Velvet beneath a touch
Velvet of white silk and
Velvet for all the senses that
fuel that angelic lust.
Angelic and devilish is
overplayed and cliché and
it smacks of cheap poets yet
she lives the devious angel
in every step she takes and
in every deliberate shake of her ass
her cheeky, silky skin
under her cut-off frays
those tender rounded cheeks
pop and bounce to
the melody of the angel and
the devil’s thumping beat and
both come together beneath the
velvet of white shadows.
About Frank Weber:
Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website: www.frankietatts.com
Twitter: @frankietatts_
Instagram: @frankietatts