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By: Frank Weber

Copyright ©2024


It’s such a dark taboo for so many.

Just the mention of it can make people blush and fidget.

Just the thought of it makes some people recoil and cringe.

The mainstream-under-the-lights world shuns it like a deviant plague and preaches it as a one-way ticket straight to hell.

I never much cared for the words used to describe it, either…that might be part of the buzz-kill.

Don’t know.


But no matter which way you cut it, people still want to know about it.

Whether they do it or not, they want to know about it.

And I get the feeling that even more folks want to at least try it, but they’re too terrified.

No…not offended or disgusted or in fear for their mortal soul, but terrified of being submissive and penetrated in such an intimate, personal and somewhat painful way.


Terrified of the stigma that can come with it.

Terrified that word might get out that they were on their hands and knees.

Terrified of how that kind of penetration will feel when it’s at its deepest.


But then at the same time, I think they’re intrigued and aroused by the thought of feeling something considered so lowbrow…and feeling it inside themselves.

After all, sex of any kind is meant to be enjoyed. Of any kind.

Feeling good is good enough.


Terrified, yes…but only up to the point that the perfect scenario presents itself…that perfect opportunity to be the barbaric heathen everyone else seems to shy away from.

And be able to let go and feel all that rhythmic, pulsating pleasure deep inside of them.

That delicate blending of pain and pleasure.

So fine of line between them that the pain is quickly forgotten and the pleasure lasts for hours and in so many ways.


Do I have your attention?


Ok…but before you bend anyone over…or bend over for anyone…there are just a couple simple rules you should always keep in mind. They will make all the difference…and will decide if you’ll get more of the same or get kicked to the curb.


First and foremost…anal sex (penetration or tongue) should NEVER be forced or coerced! If your partner isn’t ready to try or does not want to try, don’t EVER try to force it.

It can be an amazing, interstellar sensation, but that will only happen if both people want it and feel good doing it.


Second, anal should always be the LAST penetration. NEVER go back and forth. The animal inside of you might be roaring to you to do it, but those couple extra minutes are NOT worth the consequences.Imagine how your partner is going to feel if they get an infection or get sick.Imagine the affect it will have if your partner didn’t really want to take it but tried it anyway just for you. Can you imagine the affect it will have if they get sick from it?

On the other side of the coin, if you’re going to use your tongue at all, that’s where you START, before you put anything else in, that is.

BUT you start clean. And you end clean. Gargle well and gargle often. It’s really not a turn-off, so don’t be afraid of it.You’re showing an unspoken care and respect for your partner.Bent over in a hot shower, ass cheeks squeezed and tongue flicking and licking in the hot, streaming water…that makes the hearts pound and the bodies shiver.

Tongue or cock…it all begins and ends with a shower for two and a couple shots of mouthwash.


I realize a lot of that sounds way too clinical for this, but once you know how, you won’t even think about it. It’s not like you have to keep a reminder in your phone once you read it.Besides, when you’re genuine about it, you’re also chipping away at the stigma.

It makes her ass as much a beautiful piece of her body as the rest of it already is.

Do it right and it takes you both to an inexplicable level of ecstasy.Just as intense as you thought it would be…most likely better than you ever imagined it could be. And feel good for both of you.


As long as you’re both wanting and willing, start off slow and easy.


Massage her thighs and her cheeks and spread them as you squeeze them, but go slow and easy.

Let the tip of your middle finger gently wander from the small of her back down between her cheeks and lightly massage and tickle her ass.


Use a few drops of lube, and with each circle of your fingertip, press a little bit into that satiny ring, but be gentle.

Slow and easy.


Keep pushing inside, so slowly and stroke by stroke, until you’re in up to your finger nail.Gently in and out, a little deeper each time.

Her body will begin to react to it and if she doesn’t stop you, you can go in even deeper.If she hurts at all, stop, use more lube, and start over – but slow and easy.


You’re helping to take away the shock of something so new and so different.

You’re letting her enjoy it, too.


But always start slow and easy. Always go slow and easy.

Each thrust and push will grow on their own so let your bodies give and take to and from each other.

Let her decide the rhythm and odds are she’ll want more, faster and might even begin to move her ass with your hips to force you in deeper.


Rock in that rhythm and let each rock push and pull the cock with it…deeper and deeper.

But take it slow and easy…until she lets you know she wants it harder, and believe me, you’ll know. Just start out slow and easy.


Resist the animalistic urge to thrust and pound. Don’t do it.

Those Caligulan, hedonistic moments will come in time usually followed by, “Pound me harder! It hurts so bad, but it feels so fucking good!”


There’s nothing wrong with a slow, even pulse, either…flexing inside of her ass, laying on top of her – your hips laid on her cheeks, her fingers locked in yours, hot labored breath in her ear, your face buried in her hair.


BUT…don’t yank out!Well, not the first time, anyway…depends on how the two of you like it to finish.

It’ll be startling anyway, but it can hurt, too, so don’t make the final seconds feel bad.


But remember…you start clean. And you end clean.

Bent over in a hot shower, ass cheeks squeezed, hands pushed against the shower wall with the probing push of a cock or the heavy lick of a tongue under the hot, streaming water.


Tongue or cock or ass, it starts all over again.

About Frank Weber:  

Frank Weber is a freelance writer from Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been published in several print and digital magazines, local interest books and advertising campaigns as both writer and model. His work encompasses a firm conviction, a simple honesty in written word and enough of a raw edge to make people feel what they read. Website:

Twitter: @frankietatts_

Instagram: @frankietatts

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